Dimitry Bosoy, MD

Assistant Medical Director, Maimonides Bay Ridge Emergency Department

Medical School: St. George’s University College of Medicine

Residency: St. Luke’s University Hospital

Professional Interests: Bedside Teaching, Emergency Department Operations

Dr. Dimitry Bosoy is the Assistant Medical Director at Maimonides Bay Ridge Emergency Department. He trained in Emergency Medicine at St. Luke’s, a large health system in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. He has been a practicing clinician for nearly 20 years and brings excellent clinical care and a passion for bedside teaching to Maimonides. As Assistant Medical Director, he oversees operations in our free-standing emergency department. He has created many processes to improve efficiency at Maimonides Bay Ridge, including point-of-care labs and the use of EMS clinicians in the ED.  

Selected Scholarly Activity:

Bosoy, D., Axelband, J., Pursell, R. N., Lukaszczyk, J. J., & Stawicki, S. P. (2008). “Utilization of methylene blue in the setting of hypotension associated with concurrent renal and hepatic failure: a concise review.” Opus, 12, 21-9.

Lee, B. B., & Bosoy, D. (2012). “Incidental finding of splenic artery aneurysm on lumbosacral spine radiograph.” Journal of Emergency Medicine, 43(4), 710-711.

Bosoy, D., & Tsukerman, A. (2013). “Quick echo in the emergency department” What the EM physician needs to know and do. Practical Manual of Echocardiography in the Urgent Setting, 248-252.

Cohen V, Motov S, Rockoff B, Smith A, Fromm C, Bosoy D, Hossain R, Likourezos A, Jellinek-Cohen SP, Marshall J. “Development of an opioid reduction protocol in an emergency department.” Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2015 Dec 1;72(23):2080-6. doi: 10.2146/ajhp140903. PMID: 26581934.

Brazg, J., Ruest, A., Law, S., & Bosoy, D. (2015). “A therapeutic fast for lymphoma resulting in Wernicke encephalopathy.” The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 49(4), 471-474.