Pearl of the day - Managing Oncologic Emergencies

Metastatic spinal cord compression - Corticosteroids are first line. In most cases, give dexamethasone 10mg IV.
Tumor lysis syndrome - First line therapy is IV fluids. Worsening renal function will require hemodialysis/CRRT. Avoid IV calcium for hypocalcemia because the concurrent hyerphosphatemia will cause worsening precipitation.
Neutropenic fever - Patients need at least 2 sets of blood cultures. Additionally, cultures need to be drawn from each lumen of any indwelling lines.
Neutropenic fever patients with abdominal pain/diarrhea should be tested for C.diff, even in the absence of traditional risk factors.
MASCC Risk Index: mascc-risk-index-febrile-neutropenia - may help determine suitability for inpatient vs. outpatient management of febrile neutropenia.
ANC calculator: - determines severity of neutropenia.