Trauma POTD: Blunt Cardiac Injury

Definition: Refers to any blunt trauma to the heart. Ranges from mild to severe.

Includes the following:

o   Comotio Cordis: a sudden death due to an ill-timed force during a period of electrical vulnerability

o   Cardiac Rupture: traumatic rupture of the myocardium due to compression of a full chamber during early systole or raid deceleration forces shearing the atria from the vena cava or pulmonary veins

o   Cardiac Contusions: edema and necrosis of cardiac myocytes due to blunt traumatic injury

o   Dysrhythmias after trauma

o   Ventricular wall rupture

o   Coronary artery dissection/thrombosis: less common

o   Septal tear: traumatic ASD or VSD less common

o   Valvular Injury: laceration of aortic cusps can cause aortic insufficiency. Compression of heart during systole can lead to tearing of mitral valves and/or papillary muscle rupture

o   Pericardial rupture and cardiac herniation



o   Incidence ranges from 9 to 71% mostly because of lack of clear definition and diagnostic criteria

o   Most commonly the right ventricle or right atrium are involved

o   Most severe BCI result in wall rupture in any of the chambers and these patients typically die in the field

o   Pediatric patients have increased thoracic cavity compliance and there may be no signs of trauma on exam which makes it even important that we consider this in our trauma patients



o   Significant amount of force is normally required for a BCI to occur

o   Suspect BCI in any patient with significant thoracic trauma or direct precordial impact including all of the following

o   MVA (most common)

o   Pedestrians struck

o   Crush injuries

o   Blast injuries

o   Deceleration injuries

o   Commonly occurs in patients with sternal fracture or rib fractures



o   Symptoms: most commonly patients complain of chest pain

o   Signs:

  • Dysrhythmias (most commonly sinus tachycardia or atrial fibrillation)

  •  Chest wall deformities or ecchymosis

  • Pulse deficits

  • Hypotension

  • New murmur

  • New onset HF (rales, muffled heart sounds or JVD on exam)

  • Pericardial effusion or tamponade on FAST

Work up:

o   First and foremost follow ATLS guidelines

o   Hypotension in trauma patients should be initially approached as due to hemorrhage rather than a purely cardiac cause

o   Persistent tachycardia after volume resuscitation, adequate pain control, and exclusion of intrathoracic or intrabdominal hemorrhage should raise suspicion of possible BCI

o   Obtain an EKG and look for the following (important to trend EKG)

o   Dysrhytmias

o   New conduction delays (bundle branch blocks)

o   ST segment elevations or depressions

o   Look for signs of sternal fracture or rib fracture on CXR

o   ECHO

o   TTE look for overall cardiac contractility (EF), wall motion abnormalities, turbulent blood flow, intraventricular or intraatrial thrombi

o   TEE is most sensitive in detecting cardiac injuries that may require intervention

o   Cardiac Biomarkers

o   Significance of troponin remains unclear. Presence of single elevated troponin does little to help further management and increases the likelihood of admission and cardiology consult

o   CK-MB is not a recommended biomarker in BCI


EAST (Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma) Guidelines:

o   Level 1 Evidence

o   Obtain EKG on all patients with suspected BCI

o   Level 2 Evidence

o   If the EKG reveals a new abnormality admit the patient for telemetry monitoring

o   BCI can be ruled out in patients with a normal EKG and negative troponin (although appropriate timing of troponin remains unclear)

o   Obtain an optimal TTE or TEE on patients who are hemodynamically unstable or with persistent new arrythmias

o   Sternal fracture alone does not predict BCI





Bruised and broken hearts: diagnosis and management of blunt cardiac injury — NUEM Blog


